Supporting a Thriving
Clean Economy for All DC

Affordable Financing Options for Clean Energy, Energy and Resource Efficiency, and Resilience

DC Green Bank’s mission is to provide access to capital, growing the clean economy to develop a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable DC. We do this by offering innovative financing solutions that prioritize making the clean economy inclusive and affordable for all DC residents, businesses, and community institutions. DC Green Bank focuses its investments on solar energy, greener and more efficient buildings, infrastructure resilience, and transportation electrification.

  • 3000+

    Clean Economy Jobs Created
  • $50M+

    Loans to Date
  • 16,000+

    Tons of CO2 Equivalent in Annual GHG Emissions Reductions
Case Studies

See How Our Financial Solutions Might Work for You

View case studies of past projects that illustrate how we can invest in your project and community. View Our Case Studies